Dec 30, 2023

Why I Solely Fish In WoW

First of all yes, yes I do play WoW solely for the fishing. Would you scoff if I told you it was for the scenery? Probably. What about the quality/feel of the fishing? Or rewards and achievements? But what if it was a mix of all three, yeah now we're getting somewhere.

Believe it or not WoW is quite big, massive in fact and its locations are well designed environmentally and aesthetically. From the plethora of picturesque skyboxes to the landscaping that would make any gardener blush with envy. Honestly hats off to the environmental designers in WoW they've been stellar since most of Wrath of the Lich King but really hit their stride in Mists of Pandaria, urgh so superb.

Some of the achievements are so convoluted they make you feel like an Indiana Jones unraveling a mystery, puzzles if you will. But also their rewards are so good usually some sort of interesting and coveted mount. One achievement the title "Salty" can be warn with pride given the lengths you've gone through to get it. But also they're just as good an excuse as any to fish ya know.

The interactivity of the fishing is nothing to write home about but it is just chill, I will give it that. It is neither too much or too little, not complicated and definitely not janky (glares at Palia).

All in all it's a very chill experience which is all I am asking for, just, chill.