Sep 7, 2012

Dead Space 2

I am blown away at how much I just don't get horror any more have I been out scared or am I to old or is the game broke? The whole game was one long lonesome walk for me unfortunately.
This game gets its acclaim from its looks they are super slick and the sound is brillaint as well. The story is essentially AAA you start at A walk on treadmill for 18hrs to A then the Apocalypse happens. The plot is... lite: I woke up with amnesia in a space station where everything was going to hell, a worthwhile premise at-least. Ok maybe I was supposed to have played the first one and read all the journals lying around, oops.

Reality is at times smudged to make way for some very abstract level design and npc's one strong example is the baby humans crossed with banelings (their existence due to a dare between the developers, can you believe?) in a day care that looked to be borrowed from the set of Stephen Kings It. This only serves to make for a creepier rather than a scarier game which reminds me the fatalities. They do a lot of gruesome deaths for you when you die and the other cut-scenes as-well are great but I found the ones showing me dying tedious, a distraction and well off putting erring on sadism that I am hoping was a misguided.

Did I mention its an 18 hour romp around the intergalactic space metropolis? The developers throw in a bit of humour at this:
Ellie Langford: "theyre swarming into the medical bay. At least you wont have to go there."
Tram computer: "Unexpectd obstruction"..."Welcome to the Medical Bay"
Isaac Clarke: "ah crap"

Isaac is constantly deviating from path which is fine as it doesn't side track you and it helps add to the character development and tension by mixing it up a bit. My end didn't bode to well I am a little annoyed, maybe I could have stomped on and dismembered a few more enemies for loot throughout the game oops. The lead up to the final battle sees a new npc that cant be killed which I am guessing is supposed liven up the game-play, it did but it was a fine line between challenging and annoyance. It did work well in being scary though having this monster track you down constantly rattling and scowling behind you. After departing from my grumpy stalker I got to the end boss with no health or ammo [difficulty spike much] but I kept trying and just thought nup I am turning to YouTube.

In hind-sight I wish I had used my nodes more wisely in upgrading. I should have... spec'd only two weapons instead of my favourite four and not bought the 70k RIG (suit of armour +5% armour +10 capacity).

Conclusion: Well all in all it didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth but In hindsight I do wish someone could have said to me: "Play the original now that was good and it isn't as confusing as Number 2: don't play it"